The core principles of architecture have remained intact for thousands of years and are inseparable elements in our architectural endeavors. The work should delight and raise spirits. The work should be robust and the work should be useful and function well for the people using it. Above is jus one example. The house pictured above (left) is no doubt a handsome house but it violates some basic rules of architecture. The owner wanted to replace the garage door with an expensive wood one. It would have been money lost with little gain. There were other, deeper issues; the large unbroken plane above garage door, carriage lights installed incorrectly, lack of other architectural interest, etc.
Above on the right is the same house without any major structural changes. The expensive stone and front doors on the left side of the house remain unchanged. Minor siding changes, lowering the carriage lights, adding shutters, together with a previously scheduled paint job create the architectural appeal lacking from when the house was new.
This is just one example of what an experience eye can offer when addressing updated to your home.